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Accommodations and Modifications

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Accommodations and modifications based on individualized student needs. The determination of use of these accommodations and modifications for student success will be made by the IEP  Team and implemented by educational professionals.


Accommodations are provisions that are made in how a student accesses and demonstrates learning. These do not substantially change the instructional level, the content or the performance criteria. The changes are made in order to provide a student equal access to learning and equal opportunity to demonstrate what is known.


Modifications are substantial changes in what a student is expected to learn and demonstrate. These changes are made to provide a student the opportunity to participate meaningfully and productively in learning experiences and environments. Modifications include changes in instruction level, content and/or performance criteria.

Common Core

commoncorelogoLearn about Common Core Standards and their integration into the Ross Valley classroom.


Construction Updates

constructionlogoWe're updating all our facilities to meet 21st Century learning needs.


District and School Calendars

districtcalendarlogoGoogle calendar of important school events, vacations and more.


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