The Brookside School community is committed to providing a program of academic excellence, cultural richness, and social, emotional, and physical development that educates, supports, challenges, and inspires the whole child. We believe every child has the innate ability and desire to learn, and that all children need challenge and support to grow to their full potential. Families and staff work together as a team to create opportunities for developing healthy self-worth, celebrating diversity, thinking critically and creatively, taking risks and showing respect for one another and the earth.
Important Dates
Tuesday, August 21st
All students must have up to date immunizations to attend these events.
TK Ready, Set, Go 11:30am-12pm in Room 3 followed by Parent Club sponsored Ice Cream Social
Kindergarten Ready, Set, Go in K classrooms K, 1 & 2 from 2pm-3pm followed by Parent Club sponsored Ice Cream Social
Wednesday, August 22nd
First Day for Students
TK 8:45am-12:40pm
K 8:35am-12:05pm
1-5 8:35am-1:50pm
Meet & Greet with Principal Barry in the Brookside garden 8:50 am start
Thursday, August 30th
Back to School Night (Adults Only) 6-7:30pm
Principal, Parent Club and YES Foundation Welcome 6-6:30 pm
Classrooms 6:30-7:30pm
New Student Orientation for 2019-20
Please join us for Brookside's New Student Orientation on Thursday, January 17th from 6:30-8:00 in the library. Meet Principal Barry, Brookside teachers and parents to learn about our school-wide curriculum, programs, and registration.
TK Preview for 2019-20
The TK preview night for the 2019-20 school year will be held on Thursday, January 31st from 6:30-7:30pm in the Brookside School Library. Meet Principal Barry, Brookside teachers and parents to learn about the Transitional Kindergarten program and registration.
School Tours
Principal Judith Barry is delighted to provide school tours and information on our school-wide curriculum and programs. Please join a tour of our campus and feel free to ask questions.
Sign up for a School Tour here.
Registration Information for 2018-2019
Visit www.rossvalleyschools.org for our New Student Registration process, information, and forms.
Principal's Message
Principal’s Message
Welcome to Brookside School! The magic of Brookside resides in the warm, welcoming culture resonating from connections between students, families and staff and our beautiful school environment. The Brookside staff works collaboratively to support the emotional and academic needs of each student in our care. Teachers provide challenging, innovative instructional activities that are differentiated for each learner’s unique needs. We use instructional methods that engage students and provide them with opportunities to develop critical thinking and communication necessary for collaborative problem solving necessary in the 21st century. Our uniquely wonderful school community is possible with a strong partnership between families and staff and the enhancements that our Parent Club and YES Foundation provide to our core instruction.
Our special campus is nestled beneath the hills of Marin and a positive energy vibrates through our campus. We have approximately 350 students, TK through fifth grade. Our education program is supported by 14 regular education teachers and a rich special education program to meet the needs of all students. We have specialists teaching music, art, library, P.E. and garden education. Our classified staff provides dedicated support for a complete learning environment where children are fully supported.
We are Brookside PROUD...

Judith Barry