Members of the IEP Team are responsible for determining eligibility and the development of the living document, reviewing the document at least annually or whenever necessary, and ensuring that the IEP is implemented once written consent is received. The team includes:
The IEP meeting includes a discussion of the student’s strengths, parental concerns related to education, the results of the assessment including any special factors such as behavior, communication needs, and any assistive technology that may be needed to access the curriculum. The IEP describes the specialized instruction the student will receive and any related services that are required to meet the goals. An IEP includes:
In order for the IEP to be implemented, parents must agree to the IEP document and give written consent. The IEP meeting must involve all of the required participants and parent participation must be ensured.
Anytime the IEP Team is considering the revision, of a student's IEP, an amendment to the IEP must be written and parents must provide written consent.
The Present Level of Performance is a summary which describes the student’s current achievement in the areas of need as determined by the assessment and/or. progress on goals. The Present Level of Performance contains baseline and describes the gaps as compared to expectations of the general curriculum, and the goals for the student.
The statement of the Present Level of Performance is important because :
Every goal must relate to a need identified in the Present Level of Performance, and the evaluation of the student’s progress toward those goals must be linked to intervention planning.
Goals are descriptions of what a student can reasonably be expected to accomplish within a 12-month period with the provision of special education services. They set the general direction for instruction and assist in determining specific courses, experience and skills a student will need to develop university or career readiness skills. There is a direct relationship between the goal and the needs identified in the Present Level of Performance, Goals are: