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Wildcat Wrap 9.22.2017

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September Event Time
Tues., 9/26 Site Council meeting 3:45 pm
Thurs., 9/28 Spirit Day - Crazy Hair Day  
Thurs., 9/28 6th Grade Taco/Bingo Night 6:00 pm
Fri., 9/29 Progress reports e-mailed  
Fri., 9/29 Parent Coffee Chat 9:00 am
Thurs., 10/5 Parent Club meeting 3:45 pm
Fri., 10/6 Fun Run  



Restorative Justice

We have initiated a new program at White Hill called Restorative Justice (RJ) Program. RJ is a program designed to help students understand and reflect upon their actions in the event of misbehavior such as teasing, bullying, inappropriate use of technology, etc. The goals of the program are not punitive. Rather, we hope that students will learn to become more empathetic and understand the harm done by their actions, especially when directed toward others. RJ operates as a youth court and the student “mentors” have been carefully selected, trained and are skilled at helping their peers overcome mistakes they have made. I am hopeful, based on a good start, that restorative practices will gradually permeate our campus, inside and outside classrooms.

White Hill School Site Council

Our first Site Council meeting will be held Tuesday, September 26th from 3:45-5:15 in the school library. This council is responsible for developing, implementing and evaluating educational programs to improve the education for WHMS students consistent with the district's goals, policies, and state law. It also annually endorses the budget, reviews and revises the school plan, as well as other actions as required by law and the RVSD. This council consists of elected parents, teachers, staff and administrative representatives. However, we welcome all parents, teachers and staff members to attend these meetings.

The 2017-18 White Hill Site Council members are:

Rick van Adelsberg - Principal Tammy Parr - 8th Grade Parent
Kaki McLachlan - Assistant Principal Andrea Sumits - 8th Grade Parent
Cary Adriatico - Administrative Assistant Jim Vetter - 7th Grade Parent
Stacy Walden - Teacher Paula Connelly - 7th Grade Parent
Dave Klemas - Teacher Arundel Burrell - 6th Grade Parent
Emma Beauchamp - Teacher Betsy Drobish Joyce - 6th Grade Parent

Parent Coffee Chat

Beginning this Friday, September 29 at 9:00 am in the Library, I am hosting an informal coffee chat for parents interested in having a conversation about our school. There is no agenda. The hour-long chat - with coffee and treats - is an opportunity for any parent with a school-related question or concern to speak with the principal. Hope to see some of you this Friday. My plan is to host these chats every 3-4 weeks.

Moving into the 600 Building

Students and staff who have been in the flex space classrooms are moving this week to the 600 building. All the furniture has been moved. Classes will begin on Tuesday and Wednesday.


Fun Run

The Fun Run is scheduled for Friday, October 6 at White Hill. A separate e-mail was sent to parent about this event. Please try to support the Parent Club. Thank you.

Additional Information about WH programs (see below):
Parent Education
Children for Change

Parent Education:
Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 @ 6:30pm
Speaker: Dana Blum, Bay Area Director, Common Sense Media
Title: Teens and the Nuances of Bullying
Location: San Domenico- Hall of the Arts

Common Sense is the leading independent nonprofit organization dedicated to helping kids thrive in a world of media and technology. We empower parents, teachers, and policymakers by providing unbiased information, trusted advice, and innovative tools to help them harness the power of media and technology as a positive force in all kids’ lives.

Register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSejZCDrovql6HKCkwS4y2CF2yJ_3dLcZJ4haDM1kUz5EXhUbQ/viewform

Date: Thursday, October 19, 2017 @ 7:00pm
Speaker: Dr.​ ​Brad​ ​Sachs​
Title: The​ ​Good​ ​Enough​ ​Child​:​​ ​​How​ ​to​ ​Have​ ​an​ ​Imperfect​ ​Family​ ​and​ ​Be​ ​Perfectly Satisfied
Location: College of Marin – James Dunn Theater

Program Description: The ages twelve to eighteen are often the most challenging and trying years for adolescents––and their parents. In this lecture, respected psychologist Dr. Brad Sachs helps parents understand the invisible transformation teens are experiencing and to recognize their unrealistic expectations for their teenagers, allowing them to love, accept and nurture the family they have to its full potential.
Dr. Brad Sachs is a psychologist, educator, consultant and best-selling author specializing in clinical work with children, adolescents, couples, and families, in Columbia, Maryland.
Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/how-to-have-an-imperfect-family-and-be-perfectly-satisfied-tickets-37115357032

My name is Anna Barker, and I am the Site Lead for YES at White Hill. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. I would also LOVE to hear from you with ideas, suggestions, or anything else you might like to check in about.

Our district wide foundation, YES, is committed to pursuing its vision that "every child in the Ross Valley School District will have access to a complete education that includes meaningful and sustained exposure to the arts and other vibrant educational programs as an essential part of the student’s school experience."
Please give what you can! Visit https://yestokids.org/donate/ and make a one-time donation or set up recurring monthly payments. The suggested contribution is $750 per child, but every contribution helps support enriching educational opportunities for our children this school year. Our goal is 100% participation this year!

Shop for YES: Pick up new United grocery cards (in the office) and make sure your Good Earth cards are current. Also shop with Smile on Amazon. You can use your app to load your cart, but you must complete your purchase on a computer in order for YES to get a percentage of your purchase. All these little bits help!

Children for Change
Another great week for Children for Change! Lunchtime meetings continued at all 5 schools in RVSD with the White Hill group getting to know each other better through some great activities built around revealing a bit about ourselves. Turns out, we all have more in common than we thought! Encourage your child to join us on Tuesdays in Rm 206 during lunch. There’s always something new and exciting going on.

Our BLOOM drive is still in full force. Help kids without the means, get the gear they need to do school right. Look for your white Bloom bucket outside your school’s main office. Accepting gently used backpacks and new kids socks until the end of the month!

Thanks to all those who showed up for the National Coastal Clean-up activities last weekend. Did you know more than 8 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans each year? Make a difference - clean up litter when you see it!

Looking for something to do this weekend? Come by our booth at the San Anselmo Country Fair Day on Sunday, September 24th from 10-3pm. Check out our “Tree of Goodness” and snag a “Week of Good” for your kids, a friend or colleague. They make great gifts!! Can’t make it to the fair, buy one here.

Stay in the know, participate or volunteer in the community....visit us at www.children4change.org.

Common Core

commoncorelogoLearn about Common Core Standards and their integration into the Ross Valley classroom.


Construction Updates

constructionlogoWe're updating all our facilities to meet 21st Century learning needs.


District and School Calendars

districtcalendarlogoGoogle calendar of important school events, vacations and more.


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