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Wildcat Wrap 10.13.2017

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October Event Time
Thurs., 10/19 Spirit Day- Tacky Tourist Day  
  Parent Tech Talk 5:00 pm
Fri., 10/20 Parent Tech Talk 9:00 am
  Great Shake Out- Emergency Drill 10:00 am
Tues., 10/24 Site Council Meeting 3:45 pm
Wed., 10/25 6th Grade Photo Day  
Thurs., 10/26 7th Grade Photo day  
Fri., 10/27 8th Grade Photo Day  
  Parent Coffee Chat 9:00 am
Tues., 10/31 Halloween  
November  Event  Time
Thurs., 11/2 Parent Club Meeting 3:45 pm


See below ways to be actively involved at White Hill

Parent Tech Talks

By popular demand, we have scheduled two technology workshops for parents regarding the Aeries Parent Portal and Google Classroom. These workshops are designed to help parents feel more comfortable using these tools in support of student academic success.
    Workshop dates:
        Thursday, Oct. 19     5:00 - 5:40 pm     Library
        Friday, Oct. 20         9:00 - 9:40 am     Room 212 (please check into the office first)

Site Council Meeting

Our second Site Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 24 at 3:45 pm in the Library.  All parents and staff are welcome to attend.  Elected Site Council representatives will receive a draft agenda late next week.  We will post the agenda on our website as well.

Parent Coffee Chat

Our next Parent Coffee Chat is scheduled for Friday, October 27 at 9:00 am in the Library.  There no formal agenda.  Bring your questions, comments and concerns.

Parent Club Meeting

Our first Parent Club meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 2 at 3:45 pm in the Library.  Please join us to discuss budgeting and activities for the 2017-18 school year.  

2017-18 School Photo Days are scheduled for:

6th Grade - 10/25  
7th Grade - 10/26  
8th Grade - 10/27
Students will be dismissed from English classes on a schedule developed for the day.  Click here for tips for great student photos.  

Mathletes Club

We still need one parent willing to participate one day per week at lunchtime from mid-October through March.  An every other week commitment would also work as well for our budding mathletes.  We have parent drivers lined up for the competitions so this commitment would be limited to supervising a group of highly motivated students who work well together.  Please let us if you are interested in discussing this exciting way to be involved at White Hill.  

Parent Involvement Encouraged

Our first Parent Coffee Chat covered a wide range of topics, and stimulated our thinking about ways in which parents can become more involved at White Hill.  Here are some possibilities:
Join us during our lunch periods when you have a day off.  Interacting with the kids on the yard is great.  Having parents present during lunch will enhance the safe, supportive community we want to continue to foster.  
Participate in a lunch time club operating daily - Monday through Friday
Join us in the office. We can always use another adult hand supporting any number of clerical tasks.
E-mail a teacher about ways in which you might support classroom activities.
Attend a Site Council meeting, a Parent Coffee Chat, or a Parent Club meeting.

Binder Hospital

For six years, this highly successful program has been helping students in need of organizational support.  Students are referred to trained adult mentors who meet with them one-on-one during lunch, Mondays through Thursdays,  or during Advisory, Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Parents can also refer their children by e-mailing Michele Pelton This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..   

Attendance Data - And a Plea for Your Help

California public schools receive funding based on students in attendance, known as Average Daily Attendance (ADA).  In other words, we receive no money when students are absent.  The Ross Valley School District  receives $45.00 per day for each student in attendance.  Translated into dollars and cents, this means we lose $45.00 for each daily absence.  White Hill averages about 27 students absent per day.  If you extrapolate over 180 student days, that’s a loss of roughly $218.700.00 per year!  You can help us offset this loss of funding by:
Planning vacations during school holidays or summer breaks
Scheduling medical appointments after school hours
Utilizing Independent Study when absences of 5 days or more are unavoidable
Please contact the office well in advance of an unavoidable absence from school that is 5 or more days.  We will be able to provide work and collect ADA when the assignments are turned in.  


Eliminating Teasing and Bullying
Recently, we received several e-mails from parents concerning experiences their children had been having at White Hill with regard to teasing and bullying.  The good news is that in all cases we have been able to extinguish the undesirable behaviors and make our campus a safer one for students.  Our hope is that by sharing this information, you will feel comfortable relating sensitive information, problem solving with us, and be confident about our desire to support your children.  Please don’t hesitate to call or e-mail if you have a question or concern related to teasing or bullying.  
Open House Date Change - Wednesday, March 21
Please mark your calendars.  We have moved Open House to Wednesday, March 21.  A copy of the updated RVSD School Calendar 2017-18 is attached. 

Additional Information about programs for kids and parents:  

YES!  School Sports and Clubs
YES Events!
Children for Change

Yes! Sports and Clubs
New Lunchtime Club reminder:  LGBTQ Club with Ms. Locati - Mondays in Room 402.  Starts Oct 16th.  The LGBTQ Club is a safe space open to anyone to looking to build community and celebrate our diverse school.  Through team building exercises, interactive projects, and field trips, we will learn about ourselves and how we can better serve our community.  

Saturday, 10/21 7:00-10:00PM @ the ALA Log Cabin it is British & Irish Pub Trivia Night! No, the questions won't all be British or Irish trivia questions, nor do you have to be either to play! Dinner will be provided (shepherd's pie!) and beer will be sold. Tickets are $30 each and teams can be formed of 6-8 people. This will sell out!
Friday, 10/27 7:00-8:00PM WHMS will have a spooky Masquerade Chorus Concert! Come out and support our fantastic chorus program!
And finally, Thursday 11/9 6:00-8:00PM is WHMS Art Night, more info and sign ups to come. Stay tuned!
Please don't forget to use your community cards at United and Good Earth. If you need new cards, they are available in the office. We are also asking you to add the YES Foundation to your Amazon Smile account so that we can earn FREE money through your purchases on Amazon.
Last ask! Our goal is to increase our participation rate at White Hill this year. White Hill students benefit from more programming, but our families typically have the lowest participation rate of RVSD schools. Please give what you can and if a monthly payment works best for your budget, please sign up today!  Tickets and link to donate are all right here. https://yestokids.org  Questions? Email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Children for Change  
Dear Parents and Friends, Mother nature has really been putting us to the test. And now she's hitting very close to home. Many of our school’s families, teachers and friends have been greatly impacted by the fires up North. Evacuee centers are full with donations which is wonderful….the human spirit and community are strong!  However, it’s hard to sit by and do nothing, isn’t it?  So what can YOU do to help? Well…lots!!! But if you want, let C4C give you some focus.

C4C Fire Response - Supply Drive & Fundraiser
Saturday, October 14, 2017
8:30am -10:30am
Cucina Restaurant (Thank you Donna!)
510 San Anselmo Ave, San Anselmo
Children for Change has been asked to put its powerhouse wheel of change in gear to help the most vulnerable of victims of these fires…our PETS & CHILDREN.

Here’s how you can help!
Donate School Supplies - Working closely with the Petaluma and Sonoma School Districts, we will be collecting items for the evacuated children who will start at a temporary school on Tuesday. See our website for a complete list of items. Let’s get them fully outfitted with all they need!
Donate Pet Supplies - In partnership with the Milo Foundation and Marin Humane Society we will be collecting supplies for displaced pets. See our website for a complete list of items.
Come by to support the effort by buying some yummy baked goods (all leftovers will be delivered to shelters and the brave firefighters).
Stay and write or drop off cards to the children and adult evacuees, as well as the firefighters who are working so hard to save lives and homes.
Donate a gift card of any amount or make a straight cash donation to the effort (all proceeds will benefit the Napa Valley Community Foundation).
Donate online on our website HERE (all proceeds will benefit the Napa Valley Community Foundation)
Looking for other places to drop supplies? Be sure to take a look at the wonderful CVNL website for the most up to date info on where, what and how to give.
Want to help a homeless pet find a temporary home? Contact Milo Foundation or Marin Humane Society regarding foster adoption.
Still want more information or have additional questions? Email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  We’re all in this together!  Please feel free to share our email. Thank you so much for your support.      

Common Core

commoncorelogoLearn about Common Core Standards and their integration into the Ross Valley classroom.


Construction Updates

constructionlogoWe're updating all our facilities to meet 21st Century learning needs.


District and School Calendars

districtcalendarlogoGoogle calendar of important school events, vacations and more.


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