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Wildcat Wrap 2.10.2018

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Thurs., 2/15 5th Parent Tours 9:00 am
February 19-23Mid-winter break
Tues., 2/27 5th Parent Tours (last one) 9:00 am
Emergency Drill



Dealing with Teasing, Bullying, and Harassment

We are encouraged that more and more students and parents are coming forward and reporting incidents of unwelcome and unwanted conduct on and off campus.  This information makes it possible for us to ensure that students are feeling safe and supported at White Hill.  Without the collaboration and trust of parents, we might not know about something happening to a student(s).  We want to encourage you to let us know immediately when your child has experienced unwelcome conduct in the form of teasing, bullying, or harassment.  It’s our commitment and responsibility to extinguish the unwanted behavior and provide ongoing social and emotional learning to eliminate these behaviors from our campus.  With student and parent help, this can become a reality.     

RVSD Student Art Exhibit

Please take a look at the wonderful YES supported student art on display at the Fairfax Public Library this month - February 3 through 28.  The Library hours are: Mondays - Thursdays 10:00 am - 9:00 pm; Fridays 12:00 - 5:00 pm; Saturdays 10:00am - 6:00 pm.  
Congratulations to the students from Ms. Beauchamp’s and Ms. Ruzzier’s Art Explorations, Yearbook & Graphic Arts, and Advanced Studio Art classes who participated in a drawing contest for Safe Routes to School and Street Smarts.  The judges were impressed with the amazing artwork submitted by talented White Hill students. The students listed below will be honored at a ceremony on Friday, March 2nd, 6:30-8pm at the Marin Museum of Bicycling.   
Grand Prize Winner of GoPro: Ava McKeever, 7th
Honorable Mentions Winners:
Emily Tenorio, 6th  -   Summer Yore, 6th  - Molly Macgowan, 7th - Nico Wolf Rodriguez, 8th - Brynn Hassan, 6th - Andre Giraldi, 8th - Ingrid Wahlstrom, 6th - Ryan Magnussan, 6th - Allegra Gabrielli di Carpegna, 6th - John Morris, 6th - Taylor Denitto, 6th - Maia Godefroy, 6th - Abra Woodward, 6th - Destiny Perrilliat , 6th

Adopt A Teacher Program 

We’ve had amazing participation in this year’s teacher appreciation lunches - thank you.  Many have asked what else we can do to support our awesome teachers, so we’re kicking off an ‘adopt a teacher’ program.  The concept is that each group of advisory parents ‘adopts’ their child’s advisory teacher and surprises them with periodic tokens of appreciation - treats, coffee, gift cards, lunch, etc.   We’re looking for a lead parent for each advisory classroom as well as parents who’d simply like to participate in the program.  The lead role is minimal work – we’ve already created a SignUp Genius for each class and just need someone to distribute it and encourage participation.  For parents interested in participating, we’ll simply pass your email address along to your classroom lead & you’ll hear from them soon with more details specific to your class.  We’ll also survey the teachers to find out their favorite treats, restaurants, coffee shops, beverages, etc. and share this information.  For now, can you please email the following information to Susan Lund (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and/or Paula Connelly (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you’d like to be involved.
•Your name:
•Child’s name:
•Child’s advisory teacher:
•Role desired:  classroom lead or participant



White Hill Jazz Band Honored

Congratulations to Jazz 1 for their superior performance at the Folsom Jazz Festival on Saturday, Jan. 27th.  This is the largest school jazz festival in California and our students received Superiors from all 3 judges!  Outstanding soloist medals were awarded to Aaron Benassi-Minasian, Callum Nelson, Liam Ford, Dominic Trimble, Cy Stock, Sam Scherotter, Raf Branco, Paul Holmberg, Maya Stock, Ian Bernsdorf and Miles Thompson.  Dr. Robert Klevan, Education Director for the Monterey Jazz Festival, provided a great clinic for our students, showering them with amazing compliments and commendations for their outstanding performance.  Our students work hard, practicing every morning at 7:00 AM, and we are proud to see them receive such positive feedback from this highly competitive jazz festival.  

Parent Education Opportunities

Building Connection, Compassion, and Community A Conference for Parents, Caregivers and Educators, Co-hosted by Community Institute for Psychotherapy & The Marin County Office of Education.  Saturday, March 3, 2018, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, Marin County Office of Education,
1111 Las Gallinas Ave, San Rafael, CA 94903
Enough As She Is: How to Help Girls Move Beyond Impossible Standards of Success to Live Healthy, Happy, and Fulfilling Lives: Wed, Mar 21st, 6:30-8:30pm, COM Auditorium 
RSVP: Eventbrite   
Rachel Simmons will discuss her new book, Enough As She Is: How to Help Girls Move Beyond Impossible Standards of Success to Live Healthy, Happy, and Fulfilling Lives" which gives parents/adults the tools to help girls in high school and college reject “supergirl” pressure, overcome a toxic stress culture, and become resilient adults with healthy, happy, and fulfilling lives.  Rachel Simmons has been researching young women for two decades, and her research plainly shows that girl competence does not equal girl confidence—nor does it equal happiness, resilience, or self-worth. Backed by vivid case studies, Simmons warns that we have raised a generation of young women so focused on achieving that they avoid healthy risks, overthink setbacks, and suffer from imposter syndrome, believing they are frauds. As they spend more time projecting an image of effortless perfection on social media, these girls are prone to withdraw from the essential relationships that offer solace and support and bolster self-esteem.
Additional Information about Programs for Students
“The heart that gives, gathers.” - Tao Te Chin
Over 200 volunteers showed up to help the environment, refugees, endangered species and the homeless this weekend through Children for Change’s Change for Good Weekend. It’s magic to see people of various ages, backgrounds and interests come together to purposefully create change by giving of themselves. It was a beautiful thing, led my some inspiring young people determined to make a difference in this world! See pictures at www.children4change.org.
April 29th! This is the best event of the year, but we can’t do it alone!!!
This year we are really blowin’ it out, but we need your help! Get excited, get involved! Join one of our action teams or just give an hour of your time. ALL is appreciated! Learn more and sign up to help by emailing us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Intrigued to get your family more involved in C4C? Don’t be shy! Encourage your child to visit our lunch time meetings in Room 206! And for YOU...join our Community Action Team meeting on Feb 13th @7pm at Tam Realty and learn more about us. We would love to have you! www.children4change.org
Christina Forté
Ross Valley Children for Change
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

YES After School Programs

Yes! Lunchtime Clubs

Restorative Justice Club with Ms. Wagner – Room 205
Become a student-leader at White Hill and join us to discuss restorative practices at White Hill and beyond! Learn how you can participate in Restorative Justice and help your peers resolve conflicts. RJ club aims to build and strengthen the White Hill campus community through you! 
Homework Club - Room 106
We have another new club starting this Wednesday.  Ms. Lamar is hosting a Homework Club in Room 106.   Come and work on your assignments in a quiet, helpful environment.
Rick van Adelsberg
White Hill Middle School

Common Core

commoncorelogoLearn about Common Core Standards and their integration into the Ross Valley classroom.


Construction Updates

constructionlogoWe're updating all our facilities to meet 21st Century learning needs.


District and School Calendars

districtcalendarlogoGoogle calendar of important school events, vacations and more.


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